20 years of ASIMS – Part 1 - November 2021

In 2000, MBGS partnered with Seedsman Geotechnics and formed ASIMS (Acoustic scanner and Sonic log Interpretation MBGS and Seedsman) with the aim to provide a service that improved the application of acoustic scanner and sonic log data to geotechnical aspects of mine design. For the last two decades, ASIMS has assisted many clients throughout Australia, North and South America, Africa and Asia in the coal, metals and gas industries with their downhole acoustic scanner interpretation and sonic log analysis requirements.

The ASIMS team consists of two Senior Geologists, Stacey Pell and Kim Straub, who have more than  40 years’ experience between them. Before ASIMS, they both spent many years in the field getting their hands dirty, and in that process gained the type of expertise and geological understanding that only comes from working at ‘the coal face’. They have co-authored technical papers and both have presented papers at mining conferences; one upcoming paper investigates the differences between manual and automatic interpretation of acoustic scanner data – with some very interesting results – more about that soon.

ASIMS geologists manually pick defect data from acoustic scanner and optical televiewer logs. In cored intervals, the data can be cross-referenced against core photographs, geotechnical and lithological logs if these are available, which in turn strengthens familiarity and assurance in the data from other intervals within the drill hole. In ASIMS’ experience, manual picking creates a high confidence data set that accurately reflects the geotechnical properties within each borehole. This type of expertise means that good orientation data can usually be extracted from non-core boreholes, ensuring the highest possible range and quality of data for our clients.

ASIMS’ method of manual picking and extraction of reliable geotechnical and rock strength data is a sound investment for hazard reduction, improved mine planning and maximum resource extraction capability. Check out our website  or contact us at

Fault interpretation in a cored drill hole


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